Dofus Touch: Guide and Stuff of Sram Earth, Items Dofusbook

The SRAM Earth on Dofus Touch takes advantage of a fairly complete spell kit. This guide will help you choose your SRAM Earth Stuff according to your level. If you want to change class, you will find everything you need on our Global Dofus Touch Class Guide.

Then update: April 2022

Guide for Well Stuff His SRAM Earth on Dofus Touch

Remember that, if you subscribe with an Elite Pack, you can reset your statistics between each fight. Adapt your stats to your stuff and your goal, always focusing on force , then vitality.

The levels of characteristics of the SRAM are identical to the Dofus PC version. You can choose without worries between the land, fire or air lanes.

Dofus CLASS COUNCIL Quest Guide: Foggernaut, Iop, and Sram Classes!

In order to play your SRAM Earth on Dofus Touch, so you will be advised to mount up to 300 points in force . Then, adapt your statistics, for example, your vitality, agility, your wisdom, or your intelligence.

For your spells, some will be upgraded 6 as soon as possible. Others will be upgraded level 2, 3, or 4, even do not mount.

Main spells (level 6) Surname - Invisibility - Mass trap - fear - SAPE trap - Mortal attack - Mortal trap

Secondary spells Liberation - Sneaky Trap - Fourviolation - Double - Revulging Trap - Mist - Silence Trap - Immobilization Trap

If you do not play on Dofus Touch , this guide also exists for dofus and retro dofus.


Level 20

Level 30

Level 40

Level 50

Level 60

Level 70

Level 80

Level 90

Level 100

Level 110

Level 120

Level 130

Level 140

Level 150

Level 160

Level 170

Level 180

Level 190

Level 199

Level 200

With the update 1.54 early 2022, the bonuses of panoplies and objects 1 to 200 have been improved. Thus, several items have become much more important and interesting for your stuffs.

Level 20

SRAM Earth Stuff LVL 23

Anneau du Piou Yellow Ring Fortifying Piou Amulet Yellow Ax Trophycl Piou Sandals Yellow Shield Tourist Cape Piou Cape Piou Yellow Belt Yellow Piou Hat Yellow Dofawa

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Level 40

SRAM Earth Stuff LVL 43

Anneau de Bouze Le Clerc Crocoburio Strength Gobball Amulet Hammer of the Bouftou Boufbottes Shield Tourist Agency Cape Bouffante Gobball Belt Doffawa Bulfet

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Level 60

SRAM Earth Stuff LVL 60

Stroganneau réinette amulet strap in the root of abraknyde geta aerdala foldable shield cape jules yanos belt green turtle mask trumpery examiner survivor miner furibond miner forcené minor pest land minor juveny landmaker miner dragodinde plum and purple_

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Level 80

SRAM Earth Stuff LVL 80

_BloPanneau Réinette Royal GELANO AMULETE ROINT RACINET OF ABRAKNYDE PENETTE RESEINETTE ROYALS EXPERIMENTAL CAPE OF JULES YANOS POWERFUL GIRL CENTER MASK Tromatizing Examiner Surviving Minor Furibond Minor Forcené Miner Pavager Land Minor Baccager Land Minor Dragodinde Plum and Purple

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Level 110

SRAM Earth Stuff LVL 114

Yanneau Ancestral Gelo Torque Ancestral Stick of Yondanwa Ancestral Tibia Protectors Ancestral Ancestral Ancestral Abrature Abracaska Ancestral Traveler Furibond Turbulent Pest Rathener Earth Career Land Dragodinde Pull and Purple

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Level 140

SRAM Earth Stuff LVL 143

_Gelano Ring of the Meulou Gullet of the Warrior Zoth Boots of the Meulou Porclier Cape Of Meulou Gill Belt Warrior Headset Zoth Examiner DOFUS Cawot Turbulent Pestors Land Cervice Earth Dragodinde Pull and Purple

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Level 150

SRAM Earth Stuff LVL 158

_Mandrano gelano the grower ax of the Warrior Zoth Boots of the Meulou Porclier Cape of the Meulou Gill belt Masque Vaudou Thierry Examiner Turbulent Jacket Baccageur Land Majeur Pestor Land Major Forcené Major Dragodinde Plum and Purple

SRAM FIRE / Earth 158

Oak Oak Gelano Talisman Moue Oak Hache Zoth Tongue Warrior Sunday Sunday Song Porcelae Cape Taken Moune Oak String Automnal Oak Moune Head Headdress Soft Examiner Turbulent Dofus Purple Cleaner Major Grand Maggiore Major Major Dragodinde Plum and Ivory

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Level 170

Stuff SRAM Earth LVL 173

_Veranneau geleno amulet cætera ax of the Zoth Warrior Chaiskales Porclier Capiktenia Belt of Meulou Mask Voodoo Thierry Sacqueurizer Multiple Traveler Dofus Turquoise Turbulent Forcené Major Dofus Purple Dragodinde Plum and Purple

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Stuffs for a SRAM Earth Thl on Dofus

The SRAM is pretty vanilla on Dofus Touch, including in its stuffs. The latter reflect a gameplay quite old and yet always at the taste of the day. With spells like poison, chakra concentration, epidemic or even boat trap, the class keeps good power, especially in PVM.

Level 190

At this level, you have two essential panoplies: The breeze and Kolosso . The choice is no longer as limited, even allowing to take necrotic objects. Of course, you will also have access to the ink veil, offering strength, in and resistance.

The links

SRAM Earth Stuff LVL 193

_Anneau of Kolosso GELANO Warrior Hottle Hathe Necrotic Boots Shield Trooll Hunter Clover Necrotic Belt Kolosso Kolosso Headside Clear Dofushu Traveler Dofus Turquoise Forcené Major Dofus Ice Cream Dofus Purple Dragodinde Plum and Purple

SRAM Fire / Earth 195

Henual Gleno Henual Amulet Henual Hammer Necrotic Boots Trooll Hunter Shield Necrotic Cape Huno Belt Hat Lochon Turbulent Cream Dofus Dofus Turquoise Dofus Purple Clear Clear Forcené Major Kwaltess_

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Level 200

As with other levels, opt for a * Stuff adapted to your budget . Adopt at least one of each category (damage, ret or survival, 12/5) to be as efficient as possible. Moreover, with a small amount of departure, it is also quite possible to evolve as and when. Start with a set of LowCost equipment, do some quests, add items and Get over time ** objects to make variants. As a player without too much income, do not sell your stuffs! They can serve you later, or in variants.

_ Explanations _

Here you can find sets with several possibilities to adapt according to your desires for withdrawal or damage. Nothing prevents you from adding exos, remove, replace an item PA, etc. Once again, do not rest on a single set to win all the fights and build your own object library.

The links

SRAM Earth Stuff LVL 200

Anneau de breeze Glittering Ring Amulet of the Daggers Eryy Boots of Groupe Carrier Shield Indescribable Cape Belt Break Cap Abyssale Dofus Ocher Traveler Dofus Turquoise Forcené Major Dofus Ice Cream Dofus Purple Dragodinde in Armor

SRAM Fire / Earth 200

Anneau d'Henual Gelano Amulet of the Henual Hammer Necrotic Boots Trooll Hunter Shield Indescriptable Cape Hunter Belt Abyssal Headdress Dofus Ocher Dofus Ice Cream Dofus Turquoise Dofus Purple Cleaner Major Forcené Major Dragodinde in Armor

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