Fallen Earth Classic se (re)lance sur Steam

We remember that last October, the studio Little Orbit resurfaced Fallen Earth . The post-apocalyptic MMORPG had closed in 2019 after a dozen years of operation, especially because it seemed difficult to really change the game on an aging code. End of 2021, Little Orbit nevertheless released Fallen Earth, in the "Classic" version as the game at its launch and inviting players to recreate new characters.

Fallen Earth Classic 2021 | New MMORPG

Fallen Earth Classic is available on the game's official website, it is now also available on Steam - it was an attack of players, but during the launch of Fallen Earth last December, the grinding of the game was obviously Not compatible with the Steam version. Little Orbit has now remedied the problem and players who wish can link their game account ( Gamersfirst ) to their Steam account. What, no doubt, give back a little visibility to Fallen Earth with lovers of the genre and help repopulate the game servers.

For the curious, Fallen Earth Classic is totally distributed for free: the gaming customer can be downloaded freely on the official website or on Steam, and Fallen Earth Classic does not integrate boutique or hidden fees.


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