Steam: Starting date of the winter SALE with numerous offers

STEAM WINTER SALE 2020/2021! Christmas Holiday Sale! Games, Badges, Cards, Best Deals + Dates! Already since October it is known that again this year will take place again a big winter sale. With the 22nd of December 2021 — so today's Wednesday — the date is also fixed. But what time is it going? We have compiled this and more details for you.

When does the winter SALE start at Steam?

Today, on Wednesday, the 22nd of December 2021, the starting signal falls for the large-scale Winter Sale at Steam. How to take part in a countdown at steam, is going on at 19:00 pm of German time. Then the sales action begins with numerous offers and bargains. You can do the clock again.

According to current planning, the winter Sale should run at Steam until January 5, 2022. Thus, you have exactly two weeks to cover you with cheap games and thus raise your personal gaming stock.

What offers are on the program?

So far, Valve did not reveal which games are lowered during the winter SALE in price, so there is currently no prediction in this regard. At the last sales action-that autumn SALE in November this year you can buy such top titles such as the RPG Cyberpunk 2077 or the MMO New World at a bargain price. Added to this was many smaller titles as well as discounts in the amount of sometimes more than 50 percent.

Similar offers you can also expect for the winter Sale at Steam. At the latest tonight we are all smarter in this regard, then you will find more details with us.

Source: steam

From André left author 22.12.2021 at 12:12


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