Cyberpunk makes the titanium case

CD project has presented and published the latest and at the same time largest patch for cyberpunk 2077. The next-gene update is quite nice, but comes to the most conceivable moment. Married CD project His second chance? A comment.

"Is it too late for 'a second chance?"

CD project has bleed a lot with the publication of Cyberpunk 2077. Especially with the load gene versions, which were almost unplayable to the start and many patches later not round and bend-free, the studio has shaken the confidence of his fans . A studio that could enjoy attention to his faithfulness at the community. It is already ironically, after all, you reject in Cyberpunk 2077 against a unscrupulous group.

And now the studio does the same thing that the character Johnny Silverhand in Cybepunk 2077 embodied by Keanu Reeves does after it has built much. It asks you: "Is it too late for 'a second chance?"

Cyberpunk 2077 in the titanium crisis

If it would go for me: clear, CD project has earned a second chance. And with the patch 1.5, the developer team dares his first step towards rehabilitation.

Cyberpunk 2077 Keanu Reeves at E3 2019 Xbox Conference

Cyberpunk 2077 basically makes the same as no man's sky, which also started disappointingly, but developed after many updates to a magnificent gaming experience . Unfortunately, there is a hook: the time. An inappropriate appointment would not have been able to choose for the big next step. It is reminiscent of the critical situation in which titanium case was once. This appeared in a terrible time window, exactly between Battlefield 1 and Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare. Titan case 2 was perhaps better better, but went completely under in the crowd.

The most conceivable inappropriate time

Patch 1.5 for Cyberpunk 2077 appears exactly between the Zombie Parkour Adventure Dying Light 2 Stay Human and the Sony blockbuster Horizon Forbidden West . Both open-world hits promise dozens of hours game fun, so you do not even have the time to touch Cyberpunk 2077. And as if that were not enough, a MMORPG is currently conquering the Steam Charts: Lost Ark .

Who should try the free Next-Gen demo from CyBerpunk 2077, which is only available until 15 March? PC gamers are busy, PlayStation players are supplied - but CD project rolls out the largest update for cyberpunk so far. Cyberpunk 2077 If you want to be a No Man's Sky, but runs a titanium 2.


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