The Witcher: Plan for new games could hit fans in front of his head

Already to the release of The Witcher 3 was clear: The RPG finishes the story of Gerald, the saga should continue. Now the President of the Developer Studio has briefly expressed the other plans in the Witcher universe. So the series should also set multiplayer functions in the future. But he leaves one still open.

The Witcher in the future with multiplayer mode?

Who thinks about the main parts of the The-Witcher series of CD project Red, probably the great strengths of the games come to mind first. A huge adult game world where interesting stories are only so teeming and the focus on a thrilling single player campaign.

All three main games were so far pure single player experiences, but that could change in the future, as CD project Reds President Adam Kaminski can be viewed in an investor call:

We plan, both franchises, including cyberpunk, in the future gradually to expand multiplayer functions. We do not betray which franchise is first obtained such a functionality, but the first attempt will be something we can learn, and then we can add more and more. So we want to step by step open our individual player experiences for multiplayer mode, but we just want to add such functions slowly.

Source: CD project red

From Kaminski's statement, however, does not clear, which games in the The-Witch Universe he thinks exactly. Finally, Games like Went: The Witcher Card Game already have a multiplayer mode. Well possible so that the President of CD project is red on these and the following decouples of the main series.

However, there is certainly the possibility that the studio also thinks about the integration of a multiplayer component in The Witcher 4. How exactly this could look like is not yet known.

However, it would be suggested that this exists from the actual single player campaign — a similar plan tracks the studio at least at Cyberpunk 2077.

In between the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt also found his way to the Nintendo Switch. How well the role-playing game looks at the handheld console, you can look at the trailer:

The Witcher 3: Next-Gen version appears in the summer 2022

The Witchar: Wicked Hunt (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt parody)

Until CD project Red around great new games can take care of a lot of time. Currently, the majority of resources are put into the development of the Next-Gen version of Cyberpunk 2077, which will appear in the spring of 2022.

In summer 2022, the next big release is already on. At this time, the Next-Gen version of the now 6-year-old RPG hits The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt for PS5, Xbox Series X | S and PC should also appear. Already Fodder show how nice the Action-RPG can look even today with some adjustments. We are curious what can chest CD project Red from the Next-Gen consoles.


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