Human laboratories assault on GTA online: everything you should know about the preparatory missions and the final blow

Careful that the nonsense ended with the blows of GTA online. The robbery of the Fleece and the prison escape were a warm-up. The assault on Humane laboratories plays in an upper league and does not silly: either it is done well or is not d1. Then I tell you everything you should know to complete it successfully.

Stroke to Humane Laboratories in GTA Online

The requirements are exactly the same as we saw in Fleece: you must reach level 12 of the character and buy an apartment that has a blow planning room. You will have direct access if you have the Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack.

The mission begins when Agent 14 contacts you after completing the blows' robbery to the Fleece and the prison escape. On this occasion you will have to assault the Humane laboratories with other players. Get out curves.


Preparatory missions

GTA Online assumes that you have weapons, ammunition, bulletproof vests and snacks to sink a ship after two blows. The basic kit to hit shots in the multiplayer no longer serves. In addition, you need other experienced players to make missions and blow. No young promises.

Assault on Humane Laboratories, final mission

The assault has three well-marked phases. There is no negotiation: you have to do them well or everything will be taken by bag... and it is very easy for that to happen.

And it would be! This blow is especially demanding for the land team, so make sure they are the most experienced players. The pilot must have some ability, but it does not have to be the best in the world. As for the gunner, up to a level 1 can burst enemies with a Gatling machine gun.

Mounting all this party will cost you $54,000 and its benefits amount to 270,000, 540,000, $675,000 in easy, normal and difficult, to be distributed among the members of the coup.

more GTA online guides


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