A Plague Tale: Requiem Date of October - 12 minutes of game picture

A Plague Tale: Requiem got its release date on October 18th, says Focus Entertainment, publisher.

Asobo's A Plague Tale: Requiem continues in 2019 and the surprise hit a Plague Tale: Innocence story. Thus, the main ones are still adventurous, Amic and Hugo, who travel from France to south in the hope of a better life. The purpose is also to get Hugo's curse still in the curse. You can look at the game image at the end of the news for as much as 12 minutes.

A Plague Tale: Requiem will be released for PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series S | X-the latter also directly into the Game Pass. With Switch, you can also get the game through the cloud.

More on:

  • Escape through black death, rats and Inquisition French-review A plague Tale: Innocence (Xbox One)


  • A Plague Tale: Requiem adventure revealed a new game image-the curse following Hugo has not fondled
  • A Plague Tale: Requiem takes Amica and Hugo to the marine landscapes-with the first gaming photo trailer poetry and rats
  • The gloomy battle of Hugo and Amicia continues in A Plague Tale: Requiem


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