World of Warcraft Dreams on Unreal Engine 5: Dark Portal, Orc

AXCEL with YouTube after demonstrating the enrichmar gate from Mmorpg World of Warcraft on the Unreal Engine 5 engine did not abandon the Project Grunt and prepared two more videos for fans.

In the first video you can see one of the most recognizable objects of beyond-a dark portal, its surroundings, as well as the local flora, fauna and natives. All this is in unchanged green colors. But for the second, not such a picturesque location is chosen, but the video shows a combat system.

The enthusiast showed what the gates of Orgrimmar from World of Warcraft on Unreal Engine 5 might look like


The orc lands from the Deltaplan, attacks the soldiers of the alliance, scores an ax and finish his enemies with all the bloods laid. All this is not available in the public domain, so it remains to be content with rollers.

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