Discover the solution for the DCE Quaresma, a team creation challenge to be done on the fashion was FIFA 22. This DTE is intended to win you the card was Birthday of the Portuguese player by completing it.

Note that this challenge starts on Monday, March 14 at 7pm and lasts four days, ending on Friday, March 18 at 19h. By completing this challenge, you will get the map was Quaresta Birthday.

Should this DCE do?

The DCE Quaresma is a challenge that includes three teams and whose goal is to celebrate a Star on the mode was FIFA 22. In view of the prize of the DCE but especially the card, we recommend doing this challenge. Honestly, the main limit of this card lies in its links. With 5-5 in stars, outside of the foot, an ideal bet and very good stats, quaresma seems to be the player on the wing or the Ideal for a low price training. We only regret his physique in play that could be better.


  • Recommendation: Yes
  • Probable credit gain? No
  • Total Cost of the DCE: about 74K

National Duty Challenge, Criteria

  • Portuguese players: minimum 1
  • Players of the week: minimum 1
  • Overall team rating: minimum 82
  • Collective: Minimum 80
  • Reward: A Jumbo Gold Pack
  • End of the challenge: Friday, March 18 at 19h
  • Price: 21k

Top Challenge Form, Criteria

  • Players of the week: minimum 1
  • Overall team rating: minimum 84
  • Collective: minimum 70
  • Reward: An Electrum Premium Player Pack
  • End of the challenge: Friday, March 18 at 19h
  • Price: 53k

Our example of a solution for the DCE Quaresma was made with the Futbin team creator (in English).

Our solutions are examples of training allowing you to achieve these DCE at the cheapest price possible without having cards. It is obviously possible to achieve these challenges with other cards. Attention also because the overall cost of these solutions can evolve (downward as risen) over time.

You can find the full list of different DCE Live for the FIFA 22 mode on our list of active team creation challenges (DCE). In addition, find all our guides as well as all the news of the game on our FIFA 22 portal.


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