Dofus: Best PVM class

You need to complete your team Doffs with a class for the Player versus Monster Writing toured the opportunities in this game mode to try to make the best in PVM.

Last updated: 01.17.2022

Doffs Tier list — What is the best class for the PVM / Eve ?

The lines are not ordered

Our criteria for this tier list

This tier list is based in part on our other rankings, for its focus on the possibilities solo. More information will be here however coupled. The goal is to think not only the MCC, but also Monocoque and newer servers as Hash. This is a ranking of the power of the classes in a given role. Among others, they are evaluated by:

  • The ability to string fights easily (farm cards)
  • The care of
  • Validation of success and quests
  • The viability BL, ML and THE
  • Compatibility in teams
  • The possible opening of the gameplay

Note that in recent years, all Doffs classes have become exploitable. All are playable PVM, alone or in groups. The study presented here focuses only on power differences between them. Indeed, they are now miles leagues power level compared to their pre-variant versions of fate.

TIER godlier / Must Class

Here you will find the best classes PVM Doffs. No matter the fight, it's extremely powerful characters from A to Z.

Panama — aka God the PVM

Since the variants, the Panama is omnipotent in PVM. Mobility, placement, damage, tank, the class can do everything perfectly. It destroys mechanical bosses and even solo, you'll have no trouble standing up to the monsters. Synergies are extremely numerous and invaluable. viable options: Tank, Fire, Air, Water, Earth

Rogue — Demigod PVM

If the redesign was to slightly reduce its power, Rogue remains alongside Panama clearly above the rest. Its ability to boost the PL has certainly decreased (excluding nerve Cadence), it retains great potential displacement-damage-investment. Better, his fire way now equips powerful survival spells. viable options: Fire, Air, Earth

Heliotrope — overpowered portals

It is not for nothing that explodes on its mechanical Temporal. The Heliotrope has access to free teleports, often undermining Artificial Intelligence monsters. In team, it provides good boosts damage with a mastery of the placement and the placement of a dance rhythm for combat.

BEST viable options: Support, Fire, Air, Water, Earth, Multiport

Entry Box maxi tools

Awkwardness of the shovel Air through Early Retirement or Safe Regenerating the Entry class is full, can perfectly juggle all the essential roles PVM excluding investment (and again). viable options: Support, Fire, Air, Water

Ti her Solid / Classes for good rush Doffs

Slightly below, they remain viable and are very good solutions. You can choose the closing his eyes... except on the gameplay!

IOP — Tape, clap, clap, is your way of loving

With its elementary paths offering powerful gameplay, the IOP remains a very good class PVM including solo. Several of his spells are real divine gifts like Bond, IOP's Wrath or Duel. We regret a lack of sustains out of the water channel, widely compensated with a life-flight weapon. viable modes: Air, Water, Earth , Multiport

CRA — Arrow for-all

Timeless, the CRA keep a good importance in the meta. A little touched by the nerve of his Retaliation, it comes out of God-tier with an aging gameplay and fewer synergies compared to other classes. The fact remains that the archer is extremely powerful despite losing momentum. viable options: Fire, Air, Water, Earth , Multiport

Uppercase — Absolute Versatility

As Entry, but in another way, the Uppercase is a great toolbox. However, it requires more mastery with effects to know and spell combos to memorize. Several stuffs will also necessarily to be expected. viable options: Fire, Air, Water, Earth , multi, Multiport

Entries Support unrivaled

Despite a relatively poor gameplay, Entries can still hold its own game PVM. More limited solo, he will fit right into Team for his care or boost capacity, including PA side. viable options: Fire Doris ~

Tier Very Good / Not as much as the others

More free, these classes remain very versatile. They are not necessarily the best, while keeping some power.

FCA — Glyph and zone shield

Rather good solo, the FCA arrives very well to play with the monsters. Its shields, such as attracts, make it easy to disturb the AI, in sake for example. His abilities, both mixed and distance, are excellent and make it a very good choice. viable modes: tank, fire, air, water

Samosas — Huge potential thanks to invocations

Often left out, Samosas has enormous latent abilities from the lowest levels. Whether it's mobility and distance via tofu, or the damage to the toads, it is no longer unnecessary as it as a team and even less solo. Like what, his successive reassures have helped!

viable modes: fire, air, water, earth

SRAM — Invisibility but no immunity

Well-placed by its solo power, the SRAM has gained the equilibilities of many team tools along the balancing and to form synergies. The haze, for example, justifies its place al1. And this is only one spell among others. viable modes: fire, air, water, earth, multiport

Scarier — Reduced distance, elite damage

Nerve on nerve, the scarier gets up again Andover. The class shines with low levels and in sake. It has generally improved in the dungeons, however, remaining very limited by its reach. It will require good support for full profit. viable modes: Tank, fire, air, water, earth

SAID Potentially overpower

Behind the Entry, the Said is still a good asset. Its PM withdrawal, slightly lower, is no less appreciable, especially since it is provided continuously. The control of the invocations did a lot of good to the class, in all its modes of play. viable modes: air, water, earth , multi

Steamer — PVP Pillar and PVM?

Toolbox (yet) is a keyword to remember. By its turrets, the steamer is longer to set up but with a beautiful reward in the form of boosts, damage and pa. Less ubiquitous than in PVP, the class benefit much more mid-distance gameplay and distance. It will also note its very good use of the multiport via ambush. viable modes: support, fire, multi, multiport

Tier good

The following class have a large central defect, or more. However, it keeps a beautiful power, especially the first.

ZONAL — Shields more than protectors

Since Frost, the Zonal has not changed much in its role in PVM, especially in Team. Unfortunately, Meta does not necessarily turn around him. If he will be above in old dungeons (yes, Frost, it was more than 10 years ago), he will grow a little about fresh content. You will also have a bit of low-level ill, with fragmented elementary pathways. viable modes: Tank, fire, air, fire, water, earth , MULTI, MULTIPORT

BELOW — Thorns in needle

The Below is very strong, even in PVM. However, its capacities will be badly under regular dungeons or in quest battles. There remains a high amount of monsters posing the gravity state, greatly affecting its game. Its synergies are also more extraordinary, and it often falls into the shadow of Panama. viable modes: Tank, fire, air, water, earth

Tier BOF


Erosion, indispensable in PVP, is almost useless in PVM. Thus, Clip loses one of its major assets. It keeps good spells, with easy access to the multiport, but suffers from a lower status compared to similar roles classes. viable modes: fire, water, earth , multiport, multi

Ougiya — PIME BIS

Not if amazing to see that the two classes oriented PVP end up at the bottom of the ranking. After a great period of overpower in trouble via his remains, the Gina falls a little in disuse. Its reach the limit too, with limited synergies. It will be effective at low levels but paper alone and in the higher-level content. VIABLE MODES: Air, Water, Earth , Multiport

All know around the choice of its class on Doffs

Regardless of your game mode, discover our selection of items to choose your class on Doffs.


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